Aloft Again

by Joe Schofield
Aloft Again
Joe Schofield
Aloft. Terns. Seabirds along the shore at Playa Del Rey in Southern California ... doing what we cannot .
Aloft Again. A vision of a most beautiful soul finally set free from the bondage of her suffering.
S: 4-10-17; 5-3-17; 6-30-20; 7-22-20; 11-8-20; 11-16-20; 4-29-21
2nd place tie : most successful image contest 07-28-24
In This Moment,
The morning wind at my cheek, my heart.
The Pacific cleansing my senses.
My bare feet on the wet sand,
bearing the weight of our slow cadence forward.
In this moment, holding ajar the gates of us,
you envelope me, flooding through me.
Breathing you in, I create and caress the bits and pieces of a look, a phrase. A moment.
Now, As I trod upon the small shells, the foam and bits of what was,
a piece is released at my feet.
Pausing and bending to see, It is considered, though imperfect.
Broken. Once whole, now adrift.
Yet. There YOU remain. Perfect. Always there in my quiet. Waiting. Passing through me. Eternal.
My senses refreshed. Repaired.
Marking our time, these moments.
Where we are, and shall again.
A mid-morning walk along a vast and empty stretch of beach. From Grand Ave. on Vista Del Mar, north to a point .5 mile north of Imperial Hwy.
Less than a half dozen others I see over the 90 minute walk north.
In the quiet, the solitude, I open to receiving her soul. In perfect moments, there is no life or death, neither distance nor separation between us.
Joe Schofield
There is a silence between breaths …
" There is a silence between breaths,
when the heart becomes a sacred flame
and the belly uncoils,
which reminds me…
how remarkable it was to wake
beside you another day.
Between deaths, we dreamed together.
Between breaths,
in that stillness…
Which has joined us ever since.
In that first breath,
we step onto the dance floor,
and we waltz, unnoticed through the void.
The sacred everywhere we turn and turn again,
as form so graciously dissolves
and only the Beloved remains.
In this moment which lasts a lifetime,
there is nowhere to stand
where you are not beside me…
Where you do not accompany me within."
Steven Levine
To stay aloft, a bird must generate enough lift on the surface of its wings to resist the downward effects of gravity. The engineering principle behind this is the airfoil, a distinctive asymmetrically curved structure that produces lift as it passes through the air. Both bird wings and airplane wings are airfoils.
Our souls are the airfoils for our hearts 💕
May 4th, 2016
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Comments (171)

Joan Bertucci
Joe, may I say the same thing about this beautiful image, it brings peace to ones soul! Beautiful!

Nikolyn McDonald
I've actually never seen a tern - what gorgeous and graceful birds. This would be a sight to see. I love the lightly painted look of this photo.

Gary F Richards
Spectacular Terns-Aloft Again composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L voted