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Catharsis  Photograph by Joe Schofield

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Comments (83)

Designs By Nimros

Designs By Nimros

Awesome shot. I love the 'vanishing point' type shots.

Anthony Jones

Anthony Jones

Beautiful work! Thank you for submitting your artwork to the Southern California Artist Collective Group where the image is now featured on the home page. Feel free to post this in the Featured archive in the group discussion page section L/F

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Anthony !

Eric Albright

Eric Albright


Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you !

Angelo Marcialis

Angelo Marcialis

Well seen POV!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks !

Joney Jackson

Joney Jackson

Love this Joe! Congrats on your sale!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you !

Joe Schofield

Joe Schofield

My thanks to the art patron from Snowmass Village CO !

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your sale of this wonderful artwork! Fl

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you !

Jeff Brassard

Jeff Brassard

Congrats for the sale!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Jeff !

Michael Scott

Michael Scott

Great composition! I really love a well done image of a pier!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank uou Michael Scott! Much appreciated.

Elena Pronina

Elena Pronina

Beautiful image!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Elena!

Geraldine DeBoer

Geraldine DeBoer

This is a stunning image. LF

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks so much, Geraldine!

Julie Palencia

Julie Palencia

Congratulations on your recent sale.

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks so much, Julie !

Joe Schofield

Joe Schofield

Many thanks to the art patron from Aston, PA !

Karen  Moren

Karen Moren

WOW, this is such a great photo Joe!!!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you so much, Karen !

Calazones Flics

Calazones Flics

Excellent shot, love the infinity look under the pier!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Calz!

Jennifer Craft

Jennifer Craft

This shot is really cool!!! wow

Joe Schofield replied:

Thx, Jennifer !

Joy Watson

Joy Watson

Excellent work lf

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Joy!

Nina Prommer

Nina Prommer

gorgeous, congrats!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Nina !

Bradley R Youngberg

Bradley R Youngberg

Great pic!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks, Brad

Pamela Blizzard

Pamela Blizzard

wonderful shot Joe; the pilings look like they were left in their natural form, so cool

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Pamela !

Athala Carole Bruckner

Athala Carole Bruckner

Beautiful shot...v/f

Aimee L Maher

Aimee L Maher

Great shot!!!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thx, Aimee !

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Catharsis  by Joe Schofield
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