The Schofield Gallery - [email protected]

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Emergence Photograph by Joe Schofield

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Comments (156)

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… FAVORITE FLOWER - MACRO - EVERYONE WELCOME! Fl

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Awesome Poppy Emergence Macro composition, lighting, shading, beautiful color and artwork! F/L voted

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated Gary !

Pamela Williams

Pamela Williams

Drum roll please🥁...this image was nominated by your peers and has received an ELITE SPECIAL FEATURE on the FAA aRt diStriCt group homepage. Congratulations!

Joe Schofield replied:

ThAnK yOu pAm!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your beautiful moving Special Feature! F/L

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Gary!

Pamela Williams

Pamela Williams

Drum roll please🥁...your image was nominated by your peers and has received an ELITE SPECIAL FEATURE on the aRt diStriCt group homepage & will be shared on the groups Facebook page. Congratulations!

Joe Schofield replied:

Greatly appreciated Pamela !

Deana Markus

Deana Markus

Love this! At first it looks like an alien creature and upon closer inspection I see the glory of all creation! Exquisite!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks so much Deana !

Constance Lowery

Constance Lowery

lovely picture. L/F

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Constance !

Debby Pueschel

Debby Pueschel

Revisit. FL

Joe Schofield replied:


Debby Pueschel

Debby Pueschel

This is just beautiful! FLP

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Debby!

Mona Stut

Mona Stut

Wonderful LF

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you , Mona!

Sandi Kroll

Sandi Kroll

Gorgeous macro!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Sandi !

Norman Gabitzsch

Norman Gabitzsch

Joe ... Congratulations on over 1600 Views. L/F

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Norman !

Kathleen Struckle

Kathleen Struckle

Beautiful capture F/L

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Kathleen !

Georgiana Romanovna

Georgiana Romanovna

Very beautiful, Joe!

Joe Schofield replied:

Greatly appreciated, Georgiana !

Susan Rissi Tregoning

Susan Rissi Tregoning

This is stunning, Joe! Beautiful macro work on this poppy! l/f

Joe Schofield replied:

Very much appreciated, Susan !

Lorraine Baum

Lorraine Baum

Magnificent capture Joe! L

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Lorraine !

Robyn King

Robyn King

Absolutely stunning!!! sharing:-)

DJ MacIsaac

DJ MacIsaac

Awesome capture Joe... great macro work! Fl

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated, DJ!

Mo Barton

Mo Barton


Joe Schofield replied:

Thx, Mo!

Carol R Montoya

Carol R Montoya

Stunning work Joe!!!! FV

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Carol!

Melinda Martin

Melinda Martin

Exquisite, imaginative.

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Melinda!

Janice Sobien

Janice Sobien

Wonderful! This is something I have never seen and makes the imagination take off. I guess it's that bokeh technique. Voted.

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated, Janice !

Sorin Apostolescu

Sorin Apostolescu


Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Sorin !

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Emergence by Joe Schofield
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