Gliding Snowy Egret

by Joe Schofield
Gliding Snowy Egret
Joe Schofield
Cruising the winter shore - White's Point, San Pedro CA
An egret ( /ˈiːɡrət/) is any of several herons, most of which are white or buff, and several of which develop fine plumes (usually milky white) during the breeding season. Many egrets are members of the genera Egretta or Ardea which also contain other species named as herons rather than egrets. The distinction between a heron and an egret is rather vague, and depends more on appearance than biology. The word "egret" comes from the French word "aigrette" that means both "silver heron" and "brush," referring to the long filamentous feathers that seem to cascade down an egret's back during the breeding season.
Egrets at dusk in Kolleru Lake, Andhra Pradesh, India
Several of the egrets have been reclassified from one genus to another in recent years: the Great Egret, for example, has been classified as a member of either Casmerodius, Egretta or Ardea.
October 26th, 2012
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Comments (84)

Dylyce Clarke
Congratulations, your picture has been FEATURED on the home page in the group WONDER OF WINGS on February 7, 2024. You are invited to add this featured image to the group discussion page "FEATURES ARCHIVE Jan-April 2024.”

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #6 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.

Heather King
I AM SMITTEN with this one INCREDIBLE capture I've been hoping to get THIS close to an egret for an eternity soooooooooooooooooo beautifully done F&L

Dwight Pinkley
The bird in flight is cool, along with the background haze, but when you zoom into the eye of the bird, you see how intent it is!

Jane Small
Joe, I can't analyse the technical side of things but there must be a lot of innate skill coming out with this. It truly is a phenomenal image of an egret. I have never seen one quite like it. I could almost touch him. Very beautiful indeed.v/f
Joe Schofield replied:
Very much appreciated, Jane! Very fond of this capture. Aside from setting the white point and adding just a bit of sharpness, nothing technical. Would love to see this image sell!

Kathy Braud
Hi Joe, this is a wonderful action shot of this egret. I love the quiet colors of the background with minimal amount of texture and in high key value. The bird is very clear and sharp against the background. Love the shadow portion of the body that brings out clarity of the head, neck, wings and sets off the legs and feet from the background. I can feel the bird is intent on a destination beyond the confines of the borders. This is a awesome photo and I love it! v/fav/SU

Joe, What can I say but this is one of the most AWESOME action shots of a bird in full flight that I have ever seen. The details are remarkable and the clarity is the best I have ever seen to have captured this action shot and have no blur is truly fantastic. I am running out of adjectives to describe this breathtaking photo. Excellent job Joe, voted, Google, Tweet, FB promoted and chosen as one of my favorites for the CFC Round #26