Hangin Six

by Joe Schofield
Hangin Six
Joe Schofield
2nd place - Honey Bees contest 6-4-16
A honeybee on final approach toward an emerging blossom of apricot mallow.
May 22nd, 2014
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Comments (69)

Anthony Jones
Beautiful work! Thank you for submitting your artwork to the Southern California Artist Collective Group where the image is now featured on the home page. Feel free to post this in the Featured archive in the group discussion page section L/F

Christopher James
One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #15 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.....L/F/Tw

Brian Tada
Fabulous action capture with beautiful colors and clarity, Joe! A wonderful tribute to our Very Important Pollinators. Nominating for a Special Feature in the 1,000 Views on 1 Image Group. F/L

Nancy Griswold
Such an incredible photograph, so many congrats on the contest win, it is a wonderful work! F/L

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your fantastic photographic art has been chosen as a Camera Art Group feature! You are invited to archive your work in the feature archives discussion in the Camera Art Group.

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p