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M E S Q U I T E D  Photograph by Joe Schofield

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Comments (97)

Andrea Hazel

Andrea Hazel

A vibrant beautiful landscape

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks !

Bob Lentz

Bob Lentz

Congratulations! on this unique image’s being Featured in “Dramatic Landscape Seascape and Cityscape Photographs” group. The artist is invited to add the image to the group’s current “2023 Feature Archive” Discussion topic.

Joe Schofield replied:

Greatly appreciated Bob !

Timothy Princehorn

Timothy Princehorn

I absolutely look your composition with the sand waves and their edges. Wonderful image, Joe.

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated Tim !

Lorna Maza

Lorna Maza

Beautiful :)

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Lorna!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your well deserved Elite Special Feature of the Week! F/L

Joe Schofield replied:

Greatly appreciated Gary !

Dimitry Papkov

Dimitry Papkov

Beautiful! Congrats on your special feature in the Art District group!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks so much Dimitry!

Pamela Williams

Pamela Williams

Congratulations! Your art has been chosen for an ELITE SPECIAL FEATURE! Thanks for sharing in the aRt dIsTrict! ♥️ Your work has been showcased on the homepage of the aRt diStrIct! You are invited to archive your work in the ELITE feature archive in the discussion thread. BRAVO!

Joe Schofield replied:

Greatly appreciated Pamela !

Jurgen Lorenzen

Jurgen Lorenzen

Wonderful composition, light and interpretation, Joe!

Joe Schofield replied:

Very kind, Jurgen. Thanks !

Brett Harvey

Brett Harvey

Love this scene, especially the snakelike curve of the lowest area of the dunes.

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks for that observation Brett !

Denise Harty

Denise Harty

Congratulations on being chosen as the Artist Of The Week in the Comment For Comment group! L/F

Joe Schofield replied:

Greatly appreciated, Denise !

Angelika Vogel

Angelika Vogel

Fabulous composition and lines Joe!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Angelika !

Anthony Jones

Anthony Jones

Congratulations Joe on your Second Place Win in the California Desert Contest! Your work is featured on the Southern California Artist Collective Group as the Second Place winner in the California Desert Contest.

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated, Anthony!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your top finish in the California Desert contest!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks so much, Kay!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Fabulous! Voted your entry in the California Desert contest. LF

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Kay!

Kay Brewer

Kay Brewer

Congratulations on your 1000+ views! LF

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Kay !

Norman Gabitzsch

Norman Gabitzsch

Joe ... Congratulations on over 1100 Views on this dramatic photograph. L/F

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated, Norman !

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

fabulous lines and shadows!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Joan !

Robert Bales

Robert Bales

Excellent capture and psentation!! Very beautiful!! v/f/t

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Robert!

Christopher James

Christopher James

One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #9 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks so much, Christopher !

Joyce Dickens

Joyce Dickens

Dynamic and beautiful Joe!!!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Joyce !

Christopher James

Christopher James

Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated, Christopher !

Robyn King

Robyn King

Congratulations your beautiful work is being featured in The World We See Group:-)

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks so much, Robyn !

Michael Scott

Michael Scott

Great color and contrast!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Michael Scott !

Ray Shiu

Ray Shiu

Awesome shot!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Ray !

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M E S Q U I T E D  by Joe Schofield
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