Near the Intersection of God and the Eastern Sierras

by Joe Schofield
Near the Intersection of God and the Eastern Sierras
Joe Schofield
Looking south from Hwy 168 toward the Eastern Sierras, September 20th, 2012. A saturated observation.
The Eastern Sierra is the remote east side of the Sierra Nevada region of California. The desert-like yearly rainfalls compete with small streams draining down from the snow-covered mountains to create a barren land with regions of verdant green.
The largest industry in the Eastern Sierra is tourism. Lodging and campsites are plentiful.
The southern portion of the Eastern Sierra is a narrow flat valley extending 125 mi (200 km) from Owens Lake north to the Owens Gorge. The vast majority of the Owens Valley is private property owned by the City of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. The Owens Valley is flanked by spectacular mountain ranges rising abruptly from the valley floor -- to the west the High Sierra, and to the east the Inyo and White mountain ranges. Nearly all lands above the valley floor are owned by federal agencies.
S: 02-10-14; 3-2-21
January 15th, 2013
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Comments (120)

Rahdne Zola
This is a stirring example of the vastness, the power, and the beauty of our planet. A stellar photograph, Joe!

Anthony Jones
Beautiful work! Thank you for submitting your artwork to the Southern California Artist Collective Group where the image is now featured on the home page. Feel free to post this in the Featured archive in the group discussion page section L/F

Karen Slagle
What a gorgeous image with beautiful and rich colors, love the yellow foreground against that blue sky. f/l

Glenn McCarthy Art and Photography
I love the saturation of this work. The colors help to bring out the depth through fantastic contrast. As an artist, accomplishing the awesome is pretty important. Grabbing the viewer for that extrra bit of time makes it all worth the effort.

Ginny Barklow
Wow!! Amazing clouds and a perfect combination of blue and gold. Absolutely gorgeous landscape!! L F