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Racetrack Playa Death Valley Photograph by Joe Schofield

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Comments (88)

Christopher James

Christopher James

One of your peers nominated this image in the 1000 views Groups nominated images by your fellow artist in the Special Features #10 promotion discussion. Please visit and pass on the love to another artist.

Stuart Litoff

Stuart Litoff

Love Death Valley and this is a beautiful image from there! Nominated for special feature in the 1000 Views Group

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you so much for that, Stuart! Likewise, DV is definitely an acquired taste, especially the backroads!

Heidi Fickinger

Heidi Fickinger

Great image of one of the mysterious and interesting places I have ever been. Very nice. l/f

Joe Schofield replied:

Glad you know what it is like to actually be there, Heidi! Thank you!

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll


Joe Schofield replied:


Delphimages Photo Creations

Delphimages Photo Creations

Great shot !

Joe Schofield replied:


Kim Tran

Kim Tran

Beautiful capture! l/f

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated!

Tom Gari Gallery-Three-Photography

Tom Gari Gallery-Three-Photography


Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks, Tom!



Joe, Wonderful detailed image of this landscape image of Racetrack Playa in Death Valley. Great depth to this image and wonderful details LF

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, John!

Lisa Wooten

Lisa Wooten

Beautiful. L F

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Lisa !

Joni Eskridge

Joni Eskridge

Very nice capture of an oft-captured landscape.

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated, Joni!

Fei A

Fei A

Awesome work Joe ! v/f

Randy Rosenberger

Randy Rosenberger

It is truly an honor and a pleasure to let you know that your beautiful piece of artwork that you submitted to the Wisconsin Flowers and Scenery group has been chosen to be featured and displayed on our homepage featured artists section. Thank you much for sharing and congratulations on your special place of honor. Favorited and Liked this exceptional piece of artwork. Randy B. Rosenberger ( admin. of WFS group )

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated, Elvis!

Paul Rebmann

Paul Rebmann

An awesome and excellent image. /l

Joe Schofield replied:

Much appreciated, Paul!

Sergio B

Sergio B

re-visiting this awesome piece!

Joe Schofield replied:

:) thx !

Zori Minkova

Zori Minkova

Stunning capture! I would love to see this place one day! f/l and pinned

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Zori !

Sergio B

Sergio B

Now this really rocks Joe! hehee love it man L+F

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks, Sergio! One of my very favorite places.

Randy Burns

Randy Burns

Wow, Joe, what a capture. These sliding rocks have always fascinated me. Superb! F/L Can't imagine standing there.

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you Randy!

Chris Fletcher

Chris Fletcher

Excellent POV

Joe Schofield replied:

Many thanks, Chris !

Joe Schofield

Joe Schofield

Thank you for the feature in Images that excite You, John!

John Bailey

John Bailey

Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"



Incredible presentation with beauty of Nature

Joe Schofield replied:

Thanks, Basant

Vaughn Garner

Vaughn Garner

Beautiful job Joe! I feel like I'm there!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Vaughn!

Sharon Elliott

Sharon Elliott

Stunning are a truley amazing photographer. SE v/f/g+

Joe Schofield replied:

Very kind of you, Sharon !!

Stuart Litoff

Stuart Litoff

Wonderful work! Love the perspective!

Joe Schofield replied:

Thank you, Stuart !

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Racetrack Playa Death Valley by Joe Schofield
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