Singular Calla

by Joe Schofield
Singular Calla
Joe Schofield
The enlightenment of a singular passing beauty ...
2nd place contest - Beaute Blanche 5/6/17. Sold: 11-17-20; 11-30-20. Calla lilies are a native of southern Africa. They are grown from rhizomes and once planted they keep spreading. It does not need too much care neither is it very sensitive to soil variations. It can thrive in any kind of soil, provided there is a humid climate around. It is a very attractive flower and the most common colour that we see around is white. But the flower is found in colours like burgundy, pink, yellow, blackish purple, and orange. In the marriages the colour that is used is white, symbolic the purity of union. A bouquet that is made from white calla lilies and red roses is a very common preference.
There are many themes added to the calla lilies and a lot of accessories are found in shape of calla lilies. For the funeral the blackish purple colour is often used. The more important aspect of the calla lilies is that they can stay fresh for seven days after getting cut from the stem. At home too, the flower is planted in gardens and pots. Since they can thrive in a wide range of soil, it is easy to rear. The elegance of the flower is the reason for its popularity. The cup shape of the flower is symbolic of feminine aspects and rebirth. But if the flower is accidentally consumed, it may be poisonous. It contains crystals of Calcium Oxalate that may cause a burning sensation in the mouth. The flower springs in spring and it often synonymous with sixth anniversary.
Legend behind calla lily
Calla lily meaning has been related to Greek goddess Hera. The word calla means beautiful. The legend goes like this. Zeus, the roman god had fathered Hercules with earthly women. When Hercules was born, Zeus wanted Hercules to have divine powers. He drugged Hera and let the little Hercules nurse from her. As Hera came back to her senses, she was furious and pushed the baby aside. During this act, the milk way was formed and as the few drops of milk fell on the earth they became lilies. Seeing the beautiful lilies, Venus felt that her beauty is being challenged. She began cursing the flower and soon a heavy pistil came out of the centre of the beautiful cup shaped flower. Callas lilies are associated with Mother Mary, and it symbolises her purity and virginity. Again it is seen on Easter and it herald resurrection. It also is related to the holy cross and Christ�s passions while on it. During the Victorian Era, puritans imposed restrictions on the use of impure words and since then flowers are used to transfer feelings of the heart. Different flowers have different meaning and the Calla lily meaning is both rebirth and union.
March 10th, 2013
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Rebecca Raybon
The lighting on this really caught my eye. Looking over your images and I am in awe. Your work is wonderful.

Christopher James
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Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group l/f/p

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