Dusk on Pacific

by Joe Schofield
Dusk on Pacific
Joe Schofield
White Point and Royal Palms County Beaches 1799 Paseo del Mar, San Pedro.
White Point/Royal Palms Shoreline Complex off Paseo del Mar at the base of a 100-foot bluff, enjoys glittering ocean vistas and Santa Catalina Island in the distance. A shelf of shore curving west from a rocky point, a reef, and some large trees to the west are remnants of the Royal Palms Recreation Center, developed by Ramon Sepulveda.
S: 2-24-15
August 26th, 2012
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Comments (51)

Edward Meehan
Looks like a view from the edge of the world. Brilliant Photo with great composition and lighting.

Tony Lee
Gorgeous sunbeams everywhere!! What a soothing sensation while viewing this!! Thanks for sharing!!

Anthony Jones
Beautiful work! Thank you for submitting your artwork to the Southern California Artist Collective Group where the image is now featured on the home page. Feel free to post this in the Featured archive in the group discussion page section L/F

Dominique Amendola
Splendid photo! Congratulations on your Super feature in the group "Comments for comments"!