The Red Clay Faces of Willis Creek. Utah.

by Joe Schofield
The Red Clay Faces of Willis Creek. Utah.
Joe Schofield
This shot was taken at the head of Willis Creek Slot Canyon in southern Utah, not far from Bryce. Run-off over the red sandstone created a waist-deep trough from which the scene was captured. How many faces do you see?
Willis Creek flows a long way, from the base of the Pink Cliffs in Bryce Canyon National Park through high country at the edge of Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument before joining Sheep Creek which eventually meets the Paria River. Several springs ensure its waters flow year round, and just after the crossing of the Skutumpah Road - the unpaved route between Johnson Canyon and Cannonville, the creek enters a moderately deep gorge and passes through several short but very beautiful sections of narrows.
Unlike some other canyons in this area, Willis Creek is very easy to explore, with no obstacles of any kind, just a flat, stony streambed enclosed by shapely, delicately colored walls of Navajo sandstone.
Location: The creek flows over the Skutumpah Road 7 miles south of the Paria River and about 2 miles from Bull Valley Gorge, at which point the stream is enclosed by a wide, shallow valley and is (usually) the only running water that crosses the road; it disappears tantalizingly into a swirl of sandstone just a few yards beyond. There is a large, flat area for parking and/or camping just north of the creek.
May 8th, 2012
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Comments (82)

Christopher James
Congratulation.....your wonderful work has been featured in the 1000 Views on 1 Image Group ..... Feel free to place your featured image in the Features Archive and any Genre specific Archive l/f/p

Darren Robinson
WOW!!! You have some AMAZING work Joe! LOVE this composition. I see a monkey's face with a mohawk haircut near the top

Faouzi Taleb
Too cool! It's a beautiful pic ! Tr�s belle photo ! You Are Invited To Add This Image To http://fineartamerica.com/groups/pareidolia-or-nature-anamrphosis.html?tab=overview

Wanda Brandon
What a stunning scenic. The lighting is superb and the emphasis on the water is spectacular. f/v

Glenna McRae
Fantastic Shot, Joe! You really captured the natural sculptured faces on the cliffs!!! Voted