Hold Your Breath

by Joe Schofield
Hold Your Breath
Joe Schofield
The Wedge is a world-famous surfing, bodyboarding and bodysurfing spot located at the extreme east end of the Balboa Peninsula in Newport Beach, California. During a south swell of the right size and direction, the Wedge can produce huge waves up to 30 feet (9.1 m) high.
Sold: 7-31-22; 7-1-22
The waves are a by-product of improvements to the groin (rock jetty) on the west side of the Newport Harbor entrance undertaken during the 1930s.[1] When conditions are right, and a wave approaches the shore at the proper angle (most generally a south swell), an approaching wave will reflect off the jetty creating a second wave. The reflected wave meets up with the following wave of the set and forms a peak, and this pattern can repeat for several following waves as well. The combined effect of the reflected wave and the incoming wave creates a combined wave much larger than either of the two separate waves and occurs very rapidly and forms waves in a very unpredictable and "unstable" pattern, so that no two waves are alike and the exact breaking point is difficult to predict even for an experienced surfer.
May 8th, 2012
Comments (91)

Anthony Jones
EPIC work! Thank you for submitting your artwork to the EPIC Surfing Group where the image is now featured on the home page. Feel free to post this in the Featured archive in the group discussion page section L/F

John Bailey
Congratulations on being featured in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"

Joe, Fantastic action shot I used to love surfing now I just stick to body surfing due to a back injury not that makes the doctors any happier. This photo is just so perfect watching this surfer climb the wedge to break through it and get ready for what is behind it, excellent details, I feel like I am waiting for the wave to curl under and crash down, remarkable clarity in this great photo, fav, voted and google promoted